The first 5 years

My kidlets

So I’m a biological mum of 2 young kids. These two are my world (like most parents) and it didn’t dawn on me just how big a responsibility I have been given in raising these two to be reasonable human beings.

My husband read somewhere that the first 5 years of your child’s life is the time that they are sponges. It’s those years that set them up for their future and put the foundations in place for their lives. What your child learns in that time has such a huge impact on what and who they will be when they grow up. I’m not talking about trying to get them to do a certain career… I’m talking about morals, values and beliefs.

What things am I teaching my children that will stick with them for life. What are they seeing as normal behaviour and what are they learning about food, health, and how to treat others? I hope I’m teaching them to be kind, look out for themselves and others. To eat foods that are good for them and that while life isn’t always fair, you can make the best out of most situations. I’ve spent a lot of time reading and colouring in with them and teaching them ways to deal with anger and frustrations without getting physical.

Being a parent is a tough but rewarding job and while there are days that I’m exhausted, the good far outweighs the bad.

I’m far from a perfect parent. I get cranky, I yell, I get fed up with no one listening and have feelings that I’m alone and doing it all myself. I know though that those moments are full of false statements. I’m far from alone, I have friends and family who consistently support and help me, but it doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I’m alone sometimes.

5 years seems like a long time, but honestly….you blink, and that 5 years is gone. I’ve been trying to remind myself that I shouldn’t take it for granted. That my kids are growing up fast and even though I work and have things to do. Things can wait or go slower in order for my kids to come first. Their mental and physical health is paramount and I want them to have the best start in life that they can have. I want the 5 years of sponge brains to learn as much as possible. To invest as much as I can into them so that when they get older those things stick with them. Sometimes we get so caught up in providing stuff for our families that we forget that time is what they need most. Love, support, kindness and time.

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